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"Those of us who aren’t flesh mothers tend to brace ourselves for the annual American florists’ holiday known as Mother’s Day. (We still want our honorary gardenia, of course, and the tributes to being mothers in spirit; something like a horse of a different color but a thoroughbred just the same.)"

FROM THRIVING, ©2020 Marie Woolf


SEIZED:  A CEO's Reflections on the Killing of Main Street Banks in America

Digital 1st Edition  (214 pages)        

Available at Apple Books (.ibook), Amazon/Kindle (.epub)

Marie W. Woolf and Richard S. Cupp

Getting smarter about banks or, at least, more familiar is what really prevents banking crises. Richard S. Cupp (1940-2020), a nationally-respected bank CEO credited as one of our foremost turnaround experts of troubled community ("Main Street") banks, and Marie W. Woolf offer a riveting corner office memoir of his most illuminating and dramatic engagements over a remarkable 50-year career. This sharp, open look into an underreported banking niche is laced with poignant personal twists. Written for the vast majority of Americans outside of "Too Big To Fail"—businesses, families and individuals—caught in, witnesses to, or at risk of something that should never have happened, and never happen again. 


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29 HuffPosts, 2012-2015 


Marie W. Woolf


The collection of Woolf contributions to the Huffington Post

on a wide spectrum of topics from serious to satirical—and

as relevant now as then.

Q & M, Year One



Marie Woolf


Essays posed in the form of unobvious answers to thought-provoking questions. 

M On All Things Books, Year One



Marie Woolf


The initial anthology of Woolf's essays on the unique, affecting power of selected reads, with special attention to backlists.

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