Marie Woolf projects and clients have been widely featured in major international media and their affiliates, with versatility and depth across multiple industries from financial services to national political campaigns and nonprofit organizations. Projects encompass entire strategies and platforms as chief creative and/or project executive, or as à la carte specialist. Woolf respects the different requirements and resources of every client, and scales accordingly. Her projects extend over years, genres and platforms.
WMFeatures is the studio component of the firm for original editorial and cartoon features, commercial character design, and voice projects. From 2012-2015 she contributed regularly (29 posts total) to HuffPost, the global Pulitzer Prize-winning news and opinion site with over 20 million readers and, subsequently, to Thrive Global, Arianna Huffington's post-HuffPost enterprise. A digital first edition, SEIZED: A CEO's Reflections on the Killing of Main Street Banks in America, co-authored with the late bank turnaround veteran Richard S. Cupp, was released as a digital 1st edition in October, 2018. Woolf accepts private commissions for portraiture and calligraphic works. Her handlettering has been featured in title design for major films, television series and publishing. The below images below represent versatility, not scope of project or work in progress. Click each image to reveal and move the image around. Double-click to enlarge and enjoy in slideshow.